Video: Sailing With The Boys


Well-Known Member
Armed with a Laser and 2 Sunfish, we got out to Jenner early to make sure we had room for parking before all the kayakers showed up. Because it was early (to assure the parking), the flow was still light offshore. But, as usual, the sea breeze kicked in (it was sunny inland) and the flow reversed as I was returning to the ramp after parking my truck and trailer.

Albert (with the white sail... who you may have seen in my 17 mile out and return video) is experienced enough to handle strong winds but this was to be only Greg's 3rd day of sailing ever. So we wanted to keep him out of the really strong stuff.

But after sailing around in light air, Greg said he wanted to go find stronger winds so we sailed upriver to where I knew the wind picks up. Well, be careful what you wish for because before long we were in 15+ with stronger gusts... conditions that were bit much for Greg to learn how to beam reach while powered up in. He also hadn't gotten his wetsuit yet and didn't want to go in the drink with his clothes on... even though he had a full change of clothes in his van.

So, I sailed behind Greg and helped him get back upwind to Jenner where I figured there would be less wind. But it was blowing pretty well there too. Albert and Greg pulled out there for a lunch break while I kept on sailing but within minutes the wind backed off and the sun came out with very nice, mellow conditions returning.

So, Albert and Greg took to the water again and we all sailed for another hour or so before calling it a day as the marine surge arrived as forecasted in advance of a front that was closing in on Northern California... which caused the marine layer to thicken and the fog to pour inland. Ie, goodbye sun.

Wasn't able to film Greg in the strong stuff as I was busy sailing behind him and giving him advice on how to sail defensively and stay upright. But I got some footage of us putzing around.

Here's the video.

- Andy
