Too hot to sail...

Dave Lilley

New Member
I don't know about you guys, but it has been too hot to sail lately (even if I wasn't going to school and working on the weekends and really had the time to go). This week we may get a cool front and cool down to 91F! I might try to get out Sunday, I don't know if I will be able to convince my crew (family) to go with me. ...perhaps if I promise to come in before the peak heat of the day...

How's the summer sailing been where you are (assuming you weren't in the path of one of our recent hurricanes)?

Sorry to hear its been too hot to sail but I understand. I sailed in Tempe AZ one time when it was about 100 and thought I was gonna die, Weather's been great hear in San Diego so we've sailed a ton this year. Sailed in San Fransico Bay last weekend and it was 70-75, very nice. Sorry about the weather brag but couldn't help myself. I hope you get some mild weather soon! :)
Holy heat wave batman! 103 and I think my boat melts. Stay indoors and get the computer game Virtual Skipper 3 to sail until the weather breaks or get out here to San Diego and we'll go sailing, my treat! :D
I am hoping that it cools down soon. I'm afraid that I'm going to forget how to sail if I don't get back out there before too long. ;) I have already missed several major regattas and a bunch of weekends that were just right for sailing (except for the heat of course).

We only have a couple more regattas this year with The Texas Centerboard Circuit, and I hope to make at least one...or at least one weekend with my family.
Guys, if you want to sail bad enough, you take the heat! Arizona Yacht Club has been running a "HeatStroke" series on Tempe Town Lake for the past three summers. Yes, sometimes it is hot even for us! But when it's over 110, just make sure you have plenty of water, plenty of sunscreen, and your water cannon! This past summer, we had fleets of Capri 14.2s, Lasers, Buccaneers, and Sunfish participating. So if you find yourself in the Phoenix area next summer looking for something to do on a Sunday afternoon between 3:00 and 6:00, come out to Tempe Town Lake and join us for some crazy desert sailing! We also have a Fall Series and a Spring Series every other Sunday and the invite is open to those also. Someone can always use an extra crewmember. :cool:
Rudy said:
Guys, if you want to sail bad enough, you take the heat! Arizona Yacht Club has been running a "HeatStroke" series on Tempe Town Lake for the past three summers. Yes, sometimes it is hot even for us! But when it's over 110, just make sure you have plenty of water, plenty of sunscreen, and your water cannon! This past summer, we had fleets of Capri 14.2s, Lasers, Buccaneers, and Sunfish participating. So if you find yourself in the Phoenix area next summer looking for something to do on a Sunday afternoon between 3:00 and 6:00, come out to Tempe Town Lake and join us for some crazy desert sailing! We also have a Fall Series and a Spring Series every other Sunday and the invite is open to those also. Someone can always use an extra crewmember. :cool:

At 110F, I think that the boat and/or I would melt!
Now that's more like it!

My wife and I may finally get to go sailing at least once Friday, Sunday, or Monday! :) (...and the weather looks as if it will be darn near perfect!)


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Unbelievable. The sailing season must be all but finished here in Colorado. High today will be 56, low 32. Can you send us a bit of heat, Dave?

Enjoy your sailing.
I would glady trade a little heat for a little wind. I've been in school every Saturday for the last two months, and studying every Sunday. Yesterday wthe last class of the semester, so I prepared to go sail today. The sun was out and it was a really pretty day, but there was no wind at all! :( I guess I just wasn't meant to sail any more this year. ;)
Sorry to hear you're still not sailing. I raced Saturday on a R/P50 in the coastal waters off San Diego. We had 3 windward, leeward races with 4,2 mile legs. Wind was 9-17 knots. Then Sunday I raced my S20 up in Mission Bay, CA. Weather was forcasted for thunderstorms but it ended up beig a beautiful day for sailing with wind 5-9 knots. Its tough to live here in San Diego with so many days out of the year to sail, the grass on the lawn needs cutting and the house needs paint.
Well, I have one weekend off before I start school again. I sure hope that conditions are favorable. Last year, school and weather sometimes interferred, but at least none of my classes were on Saturday. However, this time last year, my boat was down for major repairs.

I think it is time to buy a jet-ski. :eek:

...just kidding.
With gas being such a bargin, I think the jet ski is the way to go! Hope you get some good wind and weather soon. Its raining here in So Ca today but I'm looking for suuny weather by the weekend.
Just Right in the Desert in the Fall

Well summer finally ended in c. Arizona and we're now enjoying wonderful weather for our fall series regattas at Tempe Town Lake. If anyone is interested in participating, look at for more information. We're always looking to increase memebership in Fleet 24, so let us know if you are interested. Also, visit this website's Fleet 24 Forum for a brief report of recent activity. Desert sailing in the 70's and 80's is hard to beat! Dick K.
Well, I finally made it to the lake today. It started out nice. The family and I tacked back and forth across the lake a few times until the wind died,... while we were on the other side of the lake. It took us two hours to make it back to the ramp, and part of that was with me swimming and towing the boat. I think that this year I am cursed. (We still had a good time overall, but no wind = no fun.) ;)
Sorry to hear about the lack of wind. We had 5-8 knots all weekend with a heavy marine layer that misted at times. My kids raced all weekend in San Deigo bay (420 s and Lasers) so my wife and I went for a sail Sunday. No sun, but Mission Bay was empty, just 2 other boats sailing and no powerboats.Might have to see about sailing in AZ if the sun and warm weather stays away.

I hope some of you guys out there get some better conditionsfor sailing before its too late:)
I finally got to sail today, and I don't mean sitting on the water for hours barely moving and getting burnt to a crisp.

It was 80 degrees with 10-14 mph winds, a few clouds, and just plain beautiful. I saw only a handful of powerboats and three jet-skis (which is amazing for this lake), and a dozen or more sailboats just in the few hours we were at the lake. It was the best sailing weather I've sailed in all year. (I was starting to think that I was cursed.) I had my wife and 4-year old son with me, so most of the time we sailed on main only so that she could watch him. Even so, we were cruising pretty darn good. Today made up for months of rotten sailing weather and bad luck. :) Now I remember why I got into this in the first place ( no jet-ski for me. LOL.)
Congrats on having a nice day on the water with your family. I hope you get serveral more days like that in the future.:)
