Tiller Extension Length, revisited


Well-Known Member
Based on past comments I have bought 33" tiller extensions for my 3 fish.

This past summer after a bunch of sailing I feel 33" is too long. Even when I am hiked out I can reach fine. I find it gets caught under my arm and such as I move around.

The simple wood extension that comes with a Sunfish is 23" in length, which is too short.

Reading some of the comments apparently racers will run 36".

So what have you all to say?
If you are day sailing you can have anything that is good for you. As a person that races and sits as far forwards in the cockpit as possible. I have the tiller in front so I can use both hands when sheeting. I also roll tack the boat so the longer tiller helps on that. The behind the back, tiller, sheet exchange takes some practice. If you go to a race you will see the benefits.
Just buy the Battlestick adjustable tiller extension. they just about double in length with a simple twist, twist again to lock.

I change my tiller length often, even for different lengths on different legs. another nice thing is being able to lengthen the tiller to still be able to control the boat while forward to adjust the vang, gooseneck or the always a bit too loose halyard.
Based on past comments I have bought 33" tiller extensions for my 3 fish.

This past summer after a bunch of sailing I feel 33" is too long. Even when I am hiked out I can reach fine. I find it gets caught under my arm and such as I move around.

The simple wood extension that comes with a Sunfish is 23" in length, which is too short.

Reading some of the comments apparently racers will run 36".

So what have you all to say?
The adjustable battlestick (29-36”) is working well for me. It’s more expensive, but my wife sails and is much smaller, so the range is helpful. However, I just purchased this a couple of months ago and I mostly use it about halfway. Back when I started I did not use any extension, but then I learned I should be sitting much further forward. Now I can’t imagine sailing with the original short extension.
my wife sails and is much smaller, so the range is helpful.
This is a question that pops up once in a while: do taller people need longer extensions because their shoulders are farther from the tiller, or do shorter sailors need longer ones because their arms are shorter? (Which way is it for you?) I think the two factors pretty much cancel out one another, the more so the farther out you hike.

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So I am a thin 6' 6" with long arms.

I am likley doing something wrong, but I have troubles with the extension when i try to move it from in front of me to behind me. I dont have a hiking strap, but I put my toes under the cockpit on the far side.

I guess I should not mention I almost got it up my butt once.

BTW, This is my second year sailing a sunfish and I dont have a lot of time on it. So I am in the beginner catagory.
I am working on learning how to flip sides and transfer the tiller and main sheet effectively. I mess it up especially when i gybe.

Gets a bit easier when I sail my Hunter 170. It has a high boom I dont have to duck for. But it is more effort to crane in at the club.

I am 6' with long arms.....

Try it....


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