Teak Splash Cowl


New Member
The port teak splash rail has broken on my 1988 14.2. Is there a source for replacing this part in the original pre-cut deminsions? Indianapolis.
We replaced several things on our Catalina 22. Purchased the teak at our lumberyard (Spring is good as they have sales on wood then), and took the old piece along with new teak to cabinet maker. We were happy with the results.
Teak Trim

Thank you for your response. It appears your advice is the best option. Catalina Yachts suggested the same thing. Regards, Larry Leese, Indianapolis.
Shop around for your cabinet maker. We found a good one (post divorce) that was doing this on the side. Many cabinet shops allow their guys to use machines "after' hours. The teek should be going on sale pretty soon. You won't find it at the cookie cutter lumberyards. Chances are good, (you need so little), that you could find it in the "junk" bin.

Northwest lumber in Indianapolis carries teak. It is expensive, about $20/bd foot. I made a splash rail for my Mod 2 and still have some teak.
Cool, you are half way there. Just in time to be finished for our sailing season. I am in Missouri.
I agree with Richard.

When I repaired the tabernacle in my boat, I removed the splash rail, which was the original reason why the tabernacle rotted. (The screws that held the splash rails in place had stripped out of their holes, and water had seeped - flooded in, and rotted away half the wood under the mast step.) It is all fixed now, but that was a pain to repair. Therefore, I decided NOT to put the splash rails back on the boat, despite having refinished them to like new condition. I guess I will just pass them on to the next owner when I sell it this spring. He or she can decide if they want to put them back on.

(Another major benefit of leaving the splash rails off is that it eliminated a major source of busted knees. For some reason, I seemed to bust my kneecaps on those every time we went sailing.)

Dave Lilley


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Teak Splash

B-A-U-T-I-F-U-L! I had no idea the model 1's would look so sleek without the teak spash rails. When I removed my broken one, it looked so naked, but seeing yours assures me that the boat still retains its attractiveness in spite of the modification. Larry Conrad has agreed to help me re-fashion a replacement piece for mine which I intend to do, but if it fails, I may also go "au natural". I also like your cuddy hatch treatment. Very nice.
Larry Leese, Indianapolis
