Sail Storage



This is probably a silly question, but I am unsure about. I store my sail and spars in the sail bag that came with my intensity sail. When I was finished with my Laser sail, I would fold it up. How do you store the Sunfish sail? Do you loosen the out-hauls? Or just leave everything as is and shove it in the bags (with the sails rolled beside the spars of course).

There may be some different views on this question, but I leave the Sunfish sail on the spars, loosen the outhauls and then roll the sail on itself (not around the spars) and store it in a sail bag on pegs on the wall.
Pick a nice dry, rodent free area for off season storage - mice seem to love to move in if you give them a chance.
Make sure the sail is bone dry before storage to prevent mildew of mold.

Alan Glos
Cazenovia, NY
I do pretty much what Alan does, except that I leave the whole kaboodle on top of the hull (parked indoors).
I suspend mine from bungies in the middle of my shed so that critters don't get at it. In my shed, hanging anything soft on the wall is a guaranteed way to turn it into a mouse habitat.
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