Race next weekend

E Andy

New Member
Hi Everyone,
I met a gentleman last weekend who is involved with the planning of the Carolina Bloody Mary Regatta next weekend so I told him I'd try to help spread the word. The race will be Saturday, October 8 from Southport, NC to Wilmington, NC (the pic is a screen shot of the race route on my Navionics mobile app). After the race (from what I understand that means on Sunday) there will be a celebration with food and a band at the Cape Fear Yacht Club. Here's the website: Carolina Bloody Mary Regatta


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The race is on!!!
The Bloody Mary Regatta has been postponed to November 19th, 2016. This is also the weekend of the RiverFest in Wilmington, NC which is a fun event to attend. Visit Carolina Bloody Mary Regatta for more info. Also, the Riverfest website is wilmingtonriverfest.com.

Bloody Mary route.jpg
This should be an awesome race and especially a great weekend to combine sailing and the local festival.
Remember that when you're out there sailing be sure to put safety first. There have been some sailing incidents in the last few months that were completely preventable. It's always a good idea to let someone else know where you're going, even if you're signed up for the regatta. Let a friend know your route and destination. Actually when I'm in a regatta I create a route in my Navionics app and share it through the app with a friend so they can see exactly my planned route. This float plan can save a life in the event of an emergency.
Stay safe and see ya'll there!
