Paige Railey Update


Staff member
I received this message earlier today. I am currently on a kick to promote US Sailing hot shots. You can look forward to more of these messages in the future.


Hi, Bradley. This is the Paige Railey Team Newsletter.

Hello Hello!

Long time and no speak! Well, let me give you a quick
update as to what I have been up to since the Worlds. Well,
I have been a BUM for about a month, until I was hit with
the flu. I was having a great time enjoying the holidays,
windsurfing, shopping, working and then right when I was
about to start training I got the flu. I experienced the
worst fever that I have ever had, but the only problem now
is that I have a cold, so my body is wiped out and I have a
regatta coming up! I am doing the best I can to prepare
myself. I have been out sailing the last couple of days and
I still have some problems with my energy and breathing,
but I believe things will work out. I mean every regatta
you can't feel perfect, so these are the ones where
you have to push yourself in a different way. In a way, you
have to dig down deep and find a way to fight through your
sickness. I feel refreshed after my break and I have a new
motivation and determination to get things going. I know
that since I have been so sick and I have lost so much of
my muscle and strength that it will be a tough road ahead
for a bit, but I am SO ready to take it on!

Currently, I am working with a man named Kai from Poland.
He is training me here in January and February. We are
seeing how we work together. So far I think he is
excellent. He arrived the day that I got sick so he has
been waiting patiently for me to get better, but when we
started working on the water together it was instant

This coming Monday I will sail in my first regatta of the
year called Rolex Miami OCR's. You can view how the regatta
goes at:

I will write later on!


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How interesting, my name is also Kai. Not a name that is seen much in the US. She's probably better off training with him though, since I can barely sail a Laser.
Today (Thursday) Paige got two firsts but also got another OCS that she had to eat, so she dropped down to third place. Anna Tunnicliffe is now in the lead with 40 points, Jen Spalding from Canada is second with 50, and Paige drops to third with 65.

Meanwhile, at the back of the fleet, the wind blew so I could get my fat white bottom out of the gutter finally! Shifty northerly gusting to 15-18 kts.
Congradulations on that 19th Michelle!... I've been rooting for you and understand your frustrations completely with the light air. Just being there takes guts!
Hi, Bradley. This is the Paige Railey Team Newsletter.


I bet most of you are wondering "What were you thinking
Paige!?" and "Why were you pushing the line if you are so
far ahead?" (I got two OCS at the regatta) An OCS is a
premature start. But truthfully, I am not upset about it at
all. I feel that this regatta went great, granted I made
two errors. I have to say that I think I sailed much better
here then I did in Brazil. I was much more relaxed, keyed
into the wind, and I had a true enjoyment of the sailing. I
am a bit rusty from the break and it showed with my two
large errors. No worries though. I will just work on my
weaknesses in the upcoming training. The breeze was light
some days and windy others, so it gave a great variety for
us to sail in. The key to the regatta was playing the
shifts and hitting the first shift off of the line. I can
remember one race when the wind was coming off the land,
which made it very very shifty. I was a bit nervous
before the start since I knew that anything could happen.
I could either be first or last, depending on how I sailed.
So, Bang! The gun went off and I immediatly tacked off from
the boat end. Next thing I knew I'm all alone. The wind
shifts back to me and I tack. I see the fleet is coming my
way and I go for the attack. Everytime the wind shifted I
made sure I was the first to tack and be heading off in the
right way. I rounded first, took a couple of deep breaths
and took off on the downwind. Now that I am not sick
anymore, it is time for training. I am currently working in
the gym again and sailing. I must say though, OUCH! It sure
is a killer going back into training after being very sick,
but it sure is fun! For the next couple of days it will be
the usual routine, gym and sailing. On Thursday I will
begin a regatta called the Radial North Americans. This
is also another regatta for our National Team Ranking, so I
guess you can say I have to do well. Hopefully by then my
starts will be a bit better.
The website for the regatta is:

Well, I hope all is going well, and I will talk to you soon!


Thank You for Being a Team Member.

I would appreciate you sending an invitation to your family
and friends so they too can become a Paige Railey Team Member!!
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Yeah, she has excellent PR (public relation) skills. Very important for her to get wider coverage in the US and promote sailing as athletic and highly skilled.
Re: Paige Railey Update 2/23

Another update for Paige Railey. After reading this article I get the feeling she took positive writing 1101 at college.

Hi, Bradley. This is the Paige Railey Team Newsletter.


Today was the first day of the regatta called Midwinters
East. There are 94 radials competing in the regatta. This
is the first time that the radials outnumbered the full-
rigs. The day started off with a thick layer of fog that
decided not to burn off. SO, we waited around all day and
then tried to attempt a race. Halfway through the sequence
the fog rolled in even thicker than it was before and made
it impossible to sail in. There are three days of racing
left with an aspect of high winds, but we will see. You can
view the regatta at:

I can feel a difference in this regatta compared to the
other two. I feel more focused and determined to get my
sailing off on a good start for the new season. Truthfully,
I just want to kill it! I have to keep striving and working
towards my future goals, this process is a tough one, but I
will take it on.

After sailing Radial North Americans, which was about two
weeks ago, I returned home to Clearwater with Jen and
Laura. We continued our training here which was biking,
sailing and gym work. It has been tough, but some great
fun. I have been working very hard to build my body up into
great shape since I was broken down after the worlds and
the flu. So far, I feel like it has been a fast upward
climb. On the water, Kaj and I have been working great! We
have been changing things up which has led to many spills,
flips, and falls in the water.

Well, time to eat some dinner! I will write after the
regatta and give an update on how it went.

Re: Paige Railey Update (Latest Update 2/23)

They sailed 3 races today at Mid-Winters East. With Radials, Lisa Ross of Canada has 1st place with a total of 13 points (2, 8, 3). Paige Railey of the U.S. has 2nd place with 14 points (1, 12, 1). That second race must have really been something. Laura Baldwin of Great Britain is 3rd.

Chris Raab, who won this past weekend's Masters event sailing the Laser Standard, is 10th in Radials.

Andrew Campbell (USA), Brad Funk (USA), and Brendan Casey (AUS) have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, respectively in the Laser Standard. Aside: The day I got Paige Railey's autograph just previous to Masters MWE, Brendan Casey was helping her with her boat, and she introduced him to me. I figured he was good, but really had no idea!

Our fearless leader, Tracy Usher, is 37th in a field of 83.
Re: Paige Railey Update (Latest Update 2/23)

There was more wind today, Saturday, and they got in 4 races. Laser results--1. Andrew Campbell (USA), 2, Brad Funk (USA), and 3. Michael Kalin (CAN). Brendan Casey (AUS) moved to 5th. Tracy Usher is 35th and Michelle of TLF is 71st out of 83.

Radial results--1. Anna Tunnicliff (USA), 2. Paige Railey(USA), and 3. Tania Elias Calles (MEX). Chris Raab, who won the Master event, came in 7th. Laura Baldwin (GBR) moved to 4th. In a field of 94.

Tomorrow is the last day of racing. Hope you have plenty of wind, MWE sailors!
Re: Paige Railey Update (Latest Update 2/23)

Merrily said:
Hope you have plenty of wind, MWE sailors!

I think they are going to have too much wind. A front moved by then last night and is moving through the rest of Florida today. Where I live on the east coast of Florida they are predicting very windy conditions today. From what I can tell it won't be as windy in Clearwater Beach, but it still will be windy and cold.....
Radial girls rule! Paige Railey came back to win it with a 2, 1, 2 punch in today's races. Anna Tunnicliff took 2nd, 3. Tania Elias Calles, 4 Laura Baldwin, 5. Lisa Ross.

Chris Raab was 8th and Peter Seidenberg, AKA Dollymeister was 26th. Let's all hope we are that fit when we are Great Grand Masters!

The Laser results are for some reason not available right now. When they come up, I'll try to post them.
Laser results: 1. Brendan Casey, 2. Matias Del Solar, 3. Andrew Campbell, 4. Maciej Grabowski, 5. Bernard Luttmer.

Tracy Usher was 31st and Michelle Davis of TLF was 68th out of 83. Half of the field was DNC in the last race. What was up with that?
Merrily said:
Half of the field was DNC in the last race. What was up with that?

The Wind was really blowing. Both the Radials and Lasers had a large number of DNC's. It is hard to get out the channel to the gulf in certain conditions at Clearwater.... I know from experience and the only time I tried.... I haven't been back. I wasn't there, but I did look at the buoy wind information. Here on the east coast of Florida it was blowing around 30 mph.

From the Clearwater Beach buoy -

(EST) kts kts
02 26 11:00 am N 22.0 25.1
02 26 12:00 pm NE 13.0 17.1
02 26 1:00 pm N 24.1 27.0
02 26 2:00 pm N 20.0 22.9
02 26 3:00 pm N 21.0 24.1
02 26 4:00 pm N 22.0 24.1
02 26 5:00 pm N 20.0 24.1
It was pretty rough out there. I saw a lot of excellent sailors retire after the first race, many with bent top sections. The water was shallow enough that when (not if, but when) you were turtled the masts were slamming on the bottom in the troughs of the waves. I'm guessing a solid 25 knots of breeze and 5 foot waves: a swell with heavy chop on top. I was doing alright in the first race up until the last run; I had maybe 6 boats behind me and had only capsized twice. Thought 'this isn't so bad'; then turned downwind for the final run and WHAM! Right my boat, go careening off again and WHAM! Right my boat, facing wrong way, chicken jibe, take off again and WHAM! I was going to finish this race if it killed me, and I did, although by now I was DFL out of the full rigs still sailing. I was tired and still had to sail upwind 2 miles to shore and go through the inlet so I did not start the second race. A Radial would've been really nice. Was envious of Peter Seidenberg as he roared by me in reasonable control. Later he told me his tales of his spectacular wipeouts. My friend Luke (top junior!!) wiped out 8 times in the first race but was able to get up and keep going. It was a good day to be 15 not 37.

I continue to be amazed at how indestructable Lasers are, except for top sections.
Forgot to add...they're thinking of having a 'first boy' trophy in the Radial fleet from now on. Go, sisters!
What we've been waiting for--the news from Paige:


As I always say "Three's a charm," it's also my favorite
number. I am saying this because this is my third year in a
row of winning this regatta, maybe it will bring me some
good luck!

You can view the regatta at:

The regatta was great! The wind slowly increased throughout
the days. First day there was nothing, second was a bit
more, third was slightly hiking and the fourth was windy!
Yesterday was great! It was about 18-21 knots with 5 foot
waves. I haven't sailed in that stuff for a while so it was
fun! I can say I was a bit rusty in the beginning, I kind
of fell in the water and got stuck in irons which resulted
in me loosing my lead in a race, but I started to get the
hang of it. Yesterday was perfect preparation for Europe:
Cold water and temp, windy, and cloudy!

The girls and Kaj have now gone home and I get a two
week "break." We went from having 12 people in my house
back to three. It sure is a change. Technically it's not a
break, I will still be in the gym and sailing. I just won't
be sailing everyday like I have been since OCR'S. I have a
few things in my body that I have to strengthen which I
found out yesterday, since I could feel a killer burn in
the muslces.

The last two weeks of March, Kaj will come back to Florida
and I will be doing a training session with him and another
sailor. Then after that its time for Europe, a whole four
months away from home! Besides that, I will write and
update you on how the training and preparation from Europe
is going!



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Here's the latest from Paige, including news of a sail with broken bottom sections.

Hello Hello! Today is my last day in the States since
tommorrow I head off to Europe with Kaj. My first stop will
be in Palma de Mallorca! First, before I get started about
the summer let me give you a brief summary of what I have
been up to since the last email. Ben Paton from GBR flew
here to be my training partner for about 2 weeks. He was
very essential to the good training. I enjoyed having him
around a lot. We trained in the gym, sailed and biked
together. Everything was great until this one day; We
decided to do a downwind that would be about 2 hours.
Imagine this, 3 foot waves and 20 knots. Perfect! So we get
going and I notice my sail was bending forward a lot so I
scaled my mast and I saw my bottom section was broke. Darn
I thought!! We decided to de- rig my boat and keep going.
Five minutes later, a loud snap and Ben broke his bottom as
well. So there we were about an hour into the sail,
equipment broken and sitting in the freezing cold. I look
up and a HUGE Coast Guard boat is full speed toward us.
They waited for us to get situated with Kaj and escorted us
the whole way back! The training over the two week span was
a perfect scenario with Kaj coaching and Ben and I training
against each other. It was just what I needed before I
headed off to Europe. Now on the subject of Europe. I will
start sailing a regatta in Spain, called Princess Sofia
starting April 8. I don't know if I will have internet
connection so please go onto my website and look at the
schedule. You can find a link to regatta site as well.
After that regatta, it's off to France, Austria, Holland,
Italy and Germany. I have to admit one thing though: I'm
nervous about the weather! I hope it's not too cold when I
get there. C'mon I am a Floridian!! My winter is their
summer! I guess I'm just spoiled! Wish me luck! Paige

Hi, Bradley. This is the Paige Railey Team Newsletter.


Well I have good and bad news for you in this email. Lets
start off with the bad: Palma went terrible!!! I have to
say I dont know what I could of done right there. I had an
OCS, DNE, and three yellow flags. You can say that I had to
add an extra 120 points to my score for my "mistakes." But
hey, maybe its good that I got it out of my system now
rather than later. Besides the results I can say that I
learned a lot. I have been practicing some things that will
hopefully improve my sailing.

Lets talk about the good news. Now that the Palma regatta
is in the past, I now get to look forward to Hyeres.
Currently, I am in Hyeres, France to sail my second
competition of the tour. Kaj and I have been greeted with
beautiful weather and a lovely town. Yesterday I had my
first croissant, French cookies and chocolate croissant.
They were delicious eventhough I felt like I gained 5
pounds after eating them!

Anyways, the regatta starts next week and hopefully I can
redeem myself. Go to my website to see it in the schedule
and PLEASE wish me luck!



Thank You for Being a Team Member.

I would appreciate you sending an invitation to your family
and friends so they too can become a Paige Railey Team Member!!
Bradley said:
Hi, Bradley. This is the Paige Railey Team Newsletter.


Well I have good and bad news for you in this email. Lets
start off with the bad: Palma went terrible!!! I have to
say I dont know what I could of done right there. I had an
OCS, DNE, and three yellow flags. You can say that I had to
add an extra 120 points to my score for my "mistakes." But
hey, maybe its good that I got it out of my system now
rather than later. Besides the results I can say that I
learned a lot. I have been practicing some things that will
hopefully improve my sailing.

Lets talk about the good news. Now that the Palma regatta
is in the past, I now get to look forward to Hyeres.
Currently, I am in Hyeres, France to sail my second
competition of the tour. Kaj and I have been greeted with
beautiful weather and a lovely town. Yesterday I had my
first croissant, French cookies and chocolate croissant.
They were delicious eventhough I felt like I gained 5
pounds after eating them!

Anyways, the regatta starts next week and hopefully I can
redeem myself. Go to my website to see it in the schedule
and PLEASE wish me luck!



Thank You for Being a Team Member.

I would appreciate you sending an invitation to your family
and friends so they too can become a Paige Railey Team Member!!

Paige did redeem herself and won this grade 1 regatta (Semaine Olympique Francaise in Hyeres). It appears from the scoresheet that she sailed very smartly. Getting a DNF in race 10 (which she could drop), and a ninth place in the medal race, just enough to stay ahead of Sophie de Turckheim, her nearest rival.

Anna did quite well also, finishing fifth. The news reports state that there was little wind the last two days, leading to many cancellations.

Brad Funk didn't make the Gold fleet among the guys, but this was a very competitive event (no surprise) with almost 140 entries from all over the world (split up in four groups). Our Ozzie friends must be happy with the outcome!
Hi, Bradley. This is the Paige Railey Team Newsletter.


I pulled through! Hyeres regatta is over and I won! I was
determined to end this regatta on a positive note because
of the huge disappointment in Palma. My speed, tactics and
strategy were very good this regatta, but I am still
concerned about my flag situation. I am trying to conquer
this fault, but it is much harder than anything else. I
received an OCS and two yellow flags. I actually started
off the regatta with an OCS and a yellow flag in the first
race! I’ll admit I “snapped” on myself and said I had to
get control of my sailing more. So with a new mind set I
continued the regatta and started to sail better every race.

Speaking of the races; The top ten have to race the last
race against each other. It is a new format that has been
started recently. You’re score counts as double, meaning if
you get a 10th you receive 20 points, so there is a lot to
be gained. Going into this race I had a 4 point lead on
Sophie (a sailor from FRA, who was in 2nd). This meant I
had to either beat her or finish right behind her. The race
was so suspenseful! We never left each others side. The
battle began directly from the start. First Sophie rounds
ahead of me at the top mark then I passed her on the run.
Then on the next upwind she passed me again. I could only
think that, IT’S OVER! I lost this whole regatta because of
one race, but I kept pushing, I had one leg left to pass
her or catch back up. I surfed every little wave I could
and finally caught her and the victory was mine. We crossed
the line at the same time and I was over come with relief
and complete excitement. I have never had my heart beat so
fast at times then completely shut off then go back to

After winning this event I feel as though I have conquered
a huge step in my sailing. I can’t describe how I felt to
win. I was more proud to win this regatta than the Worlds!
Go onto my schedule and check out the regatta site!

Now I am in Portugal where I will continue my training
before the ISAF World Games in Austria. I am here for about
10 days. Ben will be coming here to meet me. We will use
the same set up that we did in Clearwater. Should be great!

Talk to you soon!


Thank You for Being a Team Member.

I would appreciate you sending an invitation to your family
and friends so they too can become a Paige Railey Team Member!!
Here's the latest from Paige!


Right now I am in Austria and it's my birthday! 19 years
old now. Feels wierd to be celebrating my birthday without
my twin sister Brooke. It feels like my other half is

Anyways,I arrived here about three days ago. The venue is
very cute. The town seems very enthusiastic towards us
being here. They are so proud to be hosting the ISAF World
Games. Yes, this is a Worlds. Let me explain to you about
the World Championships that I have competed in.

ISAF Youth Worlds- Hosted by ISAF and for sailors 18 and
Laser Radial Worlds- This is the Worlds for the boat that I
sail (Very Important)
ISAF Worlds- Held every 4 years and alot like the Youth
Worlds except all ages can compete.

Up until now I was in Portugal training with Kaj and Ben.
It was awesome but very hard. The training demanded a lot
of energy and endurance. I will admit some days I was
crawling out of bed. I can definitely say I hit the wall of
exhaustion there. This kind of training is very good I
think. Not only does it toughen you up physically but
mentally it strengthens you as well! The weather was very
warm but the water not. We sailed 7 out of the 9 days.
There was huge swells with variable winds. We were able to
have different conditions so that was good. The three of us
were busy tackling our weaknesses and improving our
conditioning for the boat. Besides the sailing, Portugal is
a very nice country. We stayed next to the water and got to
see some amazing sites. While we were there,we ventured
over to the most Western point of Europe which was a fun

Tommorrow the regatta starts. We are sailing on a small
lake with an average depth of 4-5 ft. The water is very
muddy as well. I went out yesterday and it was a bit of a
shock on how puffy and choppy it was. But as I see it, it's
just a new challenge that needs to be conquered. I dont
know the outcome, but I'll give it all I have!

Go onto my schedule and see the regatta website. There will
also be written articles on that you can

I want to congratulate my brother Zach!! He graduated May
12th from the University of Miami. Wish I could have been
there with him to celebrate but I will see him in Holland
and can give him a big hug there!!

Wish me luck!


Thank You for Being a Team Member.

I would appreciate you sending an invitation to your family
and friends so they too can become a Paige Railey Team Member!!
From Paige:


Well hotdog! I won! So now I will be the ISAF World
Champion for four years! How cool is that? I didn't get to
explain to you the history that I have with this regatta.
Four years ago I qualified for this regatta. I remember
being so excited until they told me I was too young to
compete. They actually had an age limit. I was so
devastated! So, I remember saying to myself that one day I
was going to go and try to do amazing.

My time had come and I was so excited to sail it. The whole
set up for the regatta was amazing! It was like a little
sailing village in the middle of Austria. There was press
and spectators everywhere. I had a documentary done on me
and I was actually giving out autographs. I was more
excited than the people asking for them!

Lets talk about the sailing...We were raced on a lake which
is different from what I am used to. Also, the lake was an
average of 5 feet, so this created the most choppiest waves
I have ever been in. The wind was very shifty and gusty and
it actually blew for the majority of the time. I had to be
on top of my game every second for if I missed something
then that could result in loosing a mass amount of boats. I
will admit, the day that it was the most easiest conditions
to sail in I failed miserably, but in the tricky stuff I
found so much fun and easy. Odd, how things can work.

So, I lead throughout the whole regatta and going into the
medal race I was once again in the same position as I was
in Hyeres. I was just ahead of Sophie (sailor from France)
by 3 points and I had to either beat her or finish just
behind her. I decided that I was not going to make the same
mistakes that I did in Hyeres. With that new knowledge, I
had a new mindset and game plan as to how I would handle
the situation. With the nerves and stress going, I was 100%
ready to go! The battle began from the start and I
stayed/covered her the whole way. We were tacking and
gybing and doing many maneuvers to trick the other. But, I
came out victorious and with a feeling of such satisfaction
that I had learned something.

You should check out the regatta site at:

and news reports at:

Now, I have one more regatta before I can get a little
break. On Wednesday, I start to sail the Holland Regatta. I
will say I am a bit tired after the World Games, but I just
have to grip my teeth and push through!

You can view the regatta at:

Talk to you later!


Thank You for Being a Team Member.

I would appreciate you sending an invitation to your family
and friends so they too can become a Paige Railey Team Member!!
ISAF Worlds Pictures

Here are some pictures of Paige from the ISAF worlds competition!


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The latest from Paige:

Hello hello!

Its been a while. So, I bet some of you are wondering, WHAT
HAPPENED at the Holland Regatta??? Well, I hit the wall you
can say. My body and mind said, "Paige, I have had enough!"
This year has been outrageous with the amount of sailing
and training that I have been doing. So Kaj and I decided
that it was more important for me to recover and get rested
so that I am fresh for Europeans. One of the easiest things
that can happen to an athlete is a burn out. I can admit
that I felt overtrained and wiped out after the ISAF
Worlds. The Holland Regatta was a bit much and when I was
out racing I felt as though I was sailing in a dream. That
everything was happening around me, but I was just standing
still. But now that I have had a proper break, I am ready
to "finish the job" over here in Europe.

I am quite excited to go sail the Europeans. It is one of
the biggest regattas for me this year and I hope to perform
excellent. Europeans will be the last event that I sail
over here so I want to end it with a bang! The regatta will
be held in Riccione, Italy. One thing I know I am looking
forward to besides the sailing, is the amazing pizza! I can
remember the taste of the pizza when I sailed in Italy 3
years ago. I won this event last year, but I am not going
to go into the regatta with the mind set of having to
defend my title. I just want to sail good. I want to go
take one race at a time and do the best I can. You can view
how the regatta progresses at:

It begins on the 11th so stay updated!


The news from Paige (Bradley--ha, ha!)


I know its been a while and I was MIA, but I'm Back! After
my disapointment at the Laser Radial Europeans I decided to
take a break from sailing. I went to Kieler Woche and
coached my brother. He sailed amazing there and I was so
proud to say I was his coach. He finished 6th at the
regatta. Afterwards I headed off to Britian where I
vacationed with my boyfriend Nick. We traveled around the
country all the way from London to his little town of
Lymington. I saw all the places that the Travel Channel
suggested to see! These two events were great for me. They
helped me relax and get my head fresh for my upcoming

For about two weeks I have been out in Marina del Ray,
California preparing for the 2006 Laser Radial Womens
Worlds. I have been training with my coach Kaj and training
partner Ben. It is very light here, but the waves are great
for surfing. We have sailed in about every condition that
will be presented to us during the regatta so I hope I am
100% prepared for the upcoming challenges. Speaking of
that, the regatta starts tommorrow! It will be six days
long. If you can remember I won this event last year in
Brazil, but I am not going to put the pressure on myself on
thinking that I have to retain my title. It has been a
while since I have sailed a competition so I am going to
stick to routine. Just do what I know best and hopefully
everything will fall into place.

You can view the regatta at:

Wish me LUCK!


Thank You for Being a Team Member.

I would appreciate you sending an invitation to your family
and friends so they too can become a Paige Railey Team Member!!
she's been training here TWO WEEKS?!
I didn't even have a practice DAY.

add this to the infinite list of what seperates the best from the rest!
