News 2009 National Senior Games


The 2009 National Senior Games will be held August 1-15 hosted by and at Stanford University near Palo Alto, California. This year, for the first time, sailing is being included as a demonstration sport. To compete in this event you must be 50 or older by August 1, 2009.

General information about this event can be found at with the Notice of Race and registration information at the St. Francis Yacht Club’s website:

Everyone who registers for the sailing competition may participate in _all_ social aspects of the Senior Games including the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, various parties and opportunities to meet and mingle with Olympic athletes such as John Naber, Willie Banks and Peggy Fleming.

This regatta was conveniently scheduled the day before the Masters PCCs so come make it a double header by competing in the National Senior Games on August 7th and the Masters PCCs on Aug 8th and 9th. Both will help you get tuned up for the Masters US Championships in Monterey the following weekend, August 14-16.

Hope to see you on the water.

Walt Spevak
